
πŸ’₯ What's Happening this Month   | the Clutter Exodus Workshop  |  Come to a Cafe Chat β˜• -free- πŸ’₯

The Clutter Exodus Course

Scrolling social media or binging Netflix, or playing mindless games to escape the stress of your clutter?

You can have the motivation to achieve a home that's fresh, spacious, and a peaceful haven!

  • With gentle First Steps to move past the Overwhelm 
  • Understanding and Untying the Heart Strings that makes letting go so stressful
  • Tools to Live a Clutter-free lifestyle, regardless of your personality type!

What's Inside this Course

Short Lessons and Stories that

  • Refresh you on the expectations your stuff came with so you can challenge its value
  • Help you recognize & gently cut the heartstrings that keep you attached
  • Remind you of the enjoyment of items you do own

Private Community

  • Chat with others also on their Clutter Exodus inside this course
  • Ask questions, share stories and inspire others on their journey

Uncomplicated To Do's

  • To lead you to take the first easy steps
  • Prompts for you to find Clutter in unexpected places
  • Create personal solutions so you can stay free

Invest in yourself and your home today.  Let's change the atmosphere! 🥰

Need More Information? Click here

Want to NOT go this alone?  Harness the energy that comes from being coached and part of a group feeling the same feels you are.  Join a LIVE Workshop

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 $ 49.00 CAD

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