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Journal Notes from Me to You Embrace the Slow Steady Pace

Embrace the Slow Steady Pace


As I am getting older, I am giving myself so much more grace to embrace the doable pace for me.

I have lived through the youthful years of hustle, doing it all in, striving for fast results.  But now I value SUSTAINABILITY after all the hard work is done.

I value this in my business journey
I value this in my health journey
I value this in my personal growth journey
I value this in my finance journey
and I value this in my home

I know what it is like to put massive effort into a project and get great results!  I also know that maintenance is always required afterward otherwise another massive effort will be needed to reset everything.  Life is getting too short for that. 

Embrace the slow steady pace of implementing consistent small changes for large, sustaining results.

We want our goals to become automatic rhythms in our lives.  I want to be healthy, not just reach the goal, celebrate and revert back only to address it all over again later on down the line.  I want my house to run smoothly, clutter free - I certainly don't want a bi-monthy or annual massive clean up event that takes my weekend or precious vacation time.

So the slow sustainable route is a perfect way to get you to the finish line.  Take a deep breath and give yourself permission to not have it all together yet

Take the consistent small steps.

Acknowledge and celebrate the distance they are taking you.

There is enough time for you to accomplish this.  Your pace may be different from your friends', or the latest Facebook ad pop up.  Again, deep breath and give yourself permission to move at your pace.

Here are small steps to get started on your clutter liberation journey:

  • Deal with your recycling every day.  Get your papers and cans in the bin, open your mail and recycle the envelopes, inserts, junk & flyers. 
  • Make your bed every morning (really nicely, not just flip the covers up) and pick any clothes off the floor or dresser.  ( install hooks and hang clothes you will wear again for easy access)
  • Think twice before you buy items for 7 days then see if you can go 30 days

Nail these and you have grown 3 habits/rhythms that take you successfully forward on your declutter goals.

Want other great small sustainable steps you can incorporate: Go on a monthly guided Clutter Hunt and see items that have been hiding from you in plain sight, or learn Why You Buy so that you stop clutter before it comes into your home.

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Welcome to Nest Feathers. 

I value all things HOME and at the heart of it, I value peace and good flow. Room to be, and room to grow.  That means we have to continually let go of stuff that we've collected and used in due time.  I help you get over the hurdles where you are stuck, with encouragement, wisdom, insight, and action.

I'm your Declutter Coach,
Diane Berkers

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